Обновленно: 30-07-2024
I sell my telegram channel!

I sell my telegram channel!

Обновленно: 30-07-2024
I sell my telegram channel!

Seller (на madbid с 09.07.24)

150.00 Monthly income
1 947 Subscribers
6 months Date of creation
ENG: Hello dear buyer! I created this channel to promote my own gameplay in games. But unfortunately, streams, etc. did not bring me the satisfaction I deserved. I stopped following my gaming channel. Because There's not enough time anymore... Audience 12-18+. Gambling games were also sol
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$ 15
$ 15
ENG: Hello dear buyer! I created this channel to promote my own gameplay in games. But unfortunately, streams, etc. did not bring me the satisfaction I deserved. I stopped following my gaming channel. Because There's not enough time anymore... Audience 12-18+. Gambling games were also sold. I'll give a good channel, in good hands) RUS:Привет дорогой покупаетль! Я создавал этот канал для продвижения собсвтенного гемплея в играх. Но к сожалению стримы и т.д не принесли мне должного удовольствия. Я перестал следить за своим каналом по играм. Т.к. времени уже не хватает... Аудитория 12-18+. Азартный игры продавались в том числе. Отдам хороший канал, в хорошие руки)

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