Обновленно: 09-08-2023
Telegram channel about cooking, 10-15$ per month

Telegram channel about cooking, 10-15$ per month

Обновленно: 09-08-2023
Telegram channel about cooking, 10-15$ per month

Seller (на madbid с 09.08.23)

10.00 Monthly income
2 000 Subscribers

Live subscribers interested in recipes for interesting dishes. The audience came from other bloggers. Already sold in this telegram channel 2 ads on "telega.in". Each post costs 3-5$ for 24 hours. The average number of views on a post - 1500. 

$ 10
$ 10

Live subscribers interested in recipes for interesting dishes. The audience came from other bloggers. Already sold in this telegram channel 2 ads on "telega.in". Each post costs 3-5$ for 24 hours. The average number of views on a post - 1500. 

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