Обновленно: 29-03-2024
Sell my telegram channel!

Sell my telegram channel!

Обновленно: 29-03-2024
Sell my telegram channel!

Seller (на madbid с 17.03.24)

User 12201
300.00 Monthly income
5 034 Subscribers

I'm selling my telegram channel over the crypt. Fully prepared for business, audience coverage 2000-2500. Ready for advertising slots, and pop-up in recommendations on request. A live audience, a constant asset. I will sell this channel in good hands!

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$ 20
$ 20

I'm selling my telegram channel over the crypt. Fully prepared for business, audience coverage 2000-2500. Ready for advertising slots, and pop-up in recommendations on request. A live audience, a constant asset. I will sell this channel in good hands!

if you have any questions, please contact me tg @blessedundercover 

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