Обновленно: 04-07-2024
Notcoin X Crypto Channel

Notcoin X Crypto Channel

Обновленно: 04-07-2024
Notcoin X Crypto Channel

Seller (на madbid с 16.01.24)

User 9265
3 492 Subscribers
1 year Date of creation

Selling my telegram channel with real people. I created my channel, bought advertising and developed it. I want to sell my Telegram channel into good hands. I'm selling the channel due to lack of time. I will sell it urgently.

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$ 600
$ 600

Selling my telegram channel with real people. I created my channel, bought advertising and developed it. I want to sell my Telegram channel into good hands. I'm selling the channel due to lack of time. I will sell it urgently.

Продаю свой телеграм-канал с реальными людьми. Я создал свой канал, купил рекламу и развивал его. Я хочу продать свой телеграм-канал в хорошие руки. Я продаю канал из-за нехватки времени. Продаю его срочно.

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