Обновленно: 03-02-2024
Sell the channel

Sell the channel "СОВЕТЫ БИЗНЕС-ГУРУ", more than 2000 subscribers!!!

Обновленно: 03-02-2024
Sell the channel

Seller (на madbid с 31.01.24)

User 9977
150.00 Monthly income
2 027 Subscribers

I want to sell my Telegram channel because I want to try myself in new area or try to write on another theme. This channel is fresh that's why you can add there averything you wanted. It is completely ready for work. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them.

$ 15
$ 15

I want to sell my Telegram channel because I want to try myself in new area or try to write on another theme. This channel is fresh that's why you can add there averything you wanted. It is completely ready for work. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them.

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