I sell my telegram channel with 2000 subscrubers
Обновленно: 16-01-2024Seller (на madbid с 14.01.24)
@vikaavtoI am selling my telegram channel. It has more than 2000 active subscribers. Almost all posts have more than 1000 views.This channel was about trading. You can sell advertising if you know how. In general, the channel makes money. I’m selling because I want to move into a different topic of telegram channels.
I am selling my telegram channel. It has more than 2000 active subscribers. Almost all posts have more than 1000 views.This channel was about trading. You can sell advertising if you know how. In general, the channel makes money. I’m selling because I want to move into a different topic of telegram channels.
Telegram-channels like this:
1 000 Subscribers
$ 120