Обновленно: 28-12-2023
Telegram channel, called: Бизнес-магнат

Telegram channel, called: Бизнес-магнат

Обновленно: 28-12-2023
Telegram channel, called: Бизнес-магнат

Seller (на madbid с 28.12.23)

1500.00 Monthly income
1 091 Subscribers
9 months Date of creation

The main source of income is advertising and links in our channel, you have the opportunity to earn money. If you recommend our channel to your friends and acquaintances, and they follow your link, you will receive a certain percentage of their activity in the channel. This is an easy way to earn

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$ 35
$ 35

The main source of income is advertising and links in our channel, you have the opportunity to earn money. If you recommend our channel to your friends and acquaintances, and they follow your link, you will receive a certain percentage of their activity in the channel. This is an easy way to earn extra income simply by doing what you like. Why did I decide to sell? - there is absolutely no time to promote it, so I hope for the person who will buy it🤩

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