Обновленно: 07-12-2023
Telegram Channel 4821 subscribers

Telegram Channel 4821 subscribers

Обновленно: 07-12-2023
Telegram Channel 4821 subscribers

Seller (на madbid с 07.12.23)

User 6192
4 821 Subscribers

Hello everyone, I’m selling my channel KruglyashVideo, subscribers are alive, not resale, this is my channel that I personally introduced, followed it, blew away specks of dust, every subscriber is alive, this can be easily verified and I can present evidence the channel will continue to develop as videos with this channel have been posted on tik tok the video is still getting views and subscribers are coming

$ 278
$ 278

Hello everyone, I’m selling my channel KruglyashVideo, subscribers are alive, not resale, this is my channel that I personally introduced, followed it, blew away specks of dust, every subscriber is alive, this can be easily verified and I can present evidence the channel will continue to develop as videos with this channel have been posted on tik tok the video is still getting views and subscribers are coming

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