Обновленно: 20-11-2023
I sell a profitable telegram channel. Daily sale of advertising.

I sell a profitable telegram channel. Daily sale of advertising.

Обновленно: 20-11-2023
I sell a profitable telegram channel. Daily sale of advertising.

Seller (на madbid с 18.11.23)

18.00 Monthly income
2 700 Subscribers

I sell a telegram channel with the theme "Business and Startups"
CPM 3800
I sell ads in the telegram channel every day. Real people are subscribed to my channel, since I myself bought ads for it. I post schemes as well as an idea for earning money on the Internet. The telegram channel takes no more than an hour a day, posts are easy to do, write buy everything I'll tell you!!!

$ 28
$ 28

I sell a telegram channel with the theme "Business and Startups"
CPM 3800
I sell ads in the telegram channel every day. Real people are subscribed to my channel, since I myself bought ads for it. I post schemes as well as an idea for earning money on the Internet. The telegram channel takes no more than an hour a day, posts are easy to do, write buy everything I'll tell you!!!

Telegram-channels like this:

tg chanell

1 001 Subscribers

$ 5


Social networks

400 Subscribers

$ 4

Колыбель Инноваций

Business Education

2 000 Subscribers

$ 40

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