Обновленно: 29-07-2024
Ternopil 📢|  job vacancies📱| work 👷

Ternopil 📢| job vacancies📱| work 👷

Обновленно: 29-07-2024
Ternopil 📢|  job vacancies📱| work 👷

Продавець (на madbid с 29.07.24)

50.00 Місячний дохід
2 000 Підписників
1 місяць Дата створення
Channel with 2500+ subscribers for sale! 👥 Activity: 300-500 views per post; Subscribers gained by buying ads! 📢 Income per month: 50$ 💸 Instructions: 📝 1. You pay for the product ✔️ 2. Write to me in Telegram and I will add you to the channel as a subscriber ✔️ 3. I give you all the rig
Показати ще
$ 10
$ 10
Channel with 2500+ subscribers for sale! 👥 Activity: 300-500 views per post; Subscribers gained by buying ads! 📢 Income per month: 50$ 💸 Instructions: 📝 1. You pay for the product ✔️ 2. Write to me in Telegram and I will add you to the channel as a subscriber ✔️ 3. I give you all the rights of the owner and leave myself ✔️ 4. You confirm the purchase ✔️ It will not work to deceive me, I do not accept black money, everything will be soon and safely! 🚧

Telegram-канали з цією тематикою:

i sell my telegram channel!


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$ 12

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$ 8

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