Обновленно: 21-03-2024
A promising channel for the development of advertising

A promising channel for the development of advertising

Обновленно: 21-03-2024
Бізнес Історія Мотивація
A promising channel for the development of advertising

Продавець (на madbid с 21.03.24)

1 400 Підписників
8 місяців Дата створення

Developing content with a large flow of information. Advertising was bought to promote the channel, in the future it will be possible to receive a lot of income from this channel, it is sold because administrators have stopped working and is transferred to reliable hands.

$ 21
$ 21

Developing content with a large flow of information. Advertising was bought to promote the channel, in the future it will be possible to receive a lot of income from this channel, it is sold because administrators have stopped working and is transferred to reliable hands.

Telegram-канали з цією тематикою:

Работа , Вакансии


2 543 Підписників

$ 18

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Бізнес Фінанси

2 100 Підписників

$ 8

канал для старта

200 Підписників

$ 2

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