Обновленно: 17-12-2023
Crypto Hack | Cryptocurrencies  — the best channel to start

Crypto Hack | Cryptocurrencies — the best channel to start

Обновленно: 17-12-2023
Crypto Hack | Cryptocurrencies  — the best channel to start

Продавець (на madbid с 11.12.23)

30.00 Місячний дохід
793 Підписників
9 місяців Дата створення

❗️Hello! My name is Georgy, not long ago I started developing this telegram channel called Crypto Hack. I invested my soul and a lot of money into the channel for advertising (recently there was an advertising post in the Kryptonik telegram channel). The topic of the channel is Cryptocurrencies (

Показати ще
$ 40
$ 40

❗️Hello! My name is Georgy, not long ago I started developing this telegram channel called Crypto Hack. I invested my soul and a lot of money into the channel for advertising (recently there was an advertising post in the Kryptonik telegram channel). The topic of the channel is Cryptocurrencies (this topic is very relevant and has a high CPM - the cost of a thousand views)

☑️I’ll say right away that the audience is completely alive and active, there can be no talk of cheating.

The channel has a professional design, which includes an avatar, a watermark and various types of animations.

People often write to the channel with advertising offers. I haven’t done any advertising yet, but I roughly calculated that 20-30$ will be paid out per month. It is in your interests to increase this amount by attracting an audience to the channel.

Telegram-канали з цією тематикою:



1 600 Підписників

$ 13



2 035 Підписників

$ 16

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1 050 Підписників

$ 11

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