Sale of telegram channel business topics
Обновленно: 22-05-2024
Продавец (на madbid с 21.05.24)
User 15569Telegram channel with 2140 subscribers. It was created on May 21, 24, advertising was purchased, as a result of which people came. However, the telegram channel has already received $40. I'm sure it will bring more. Selling because I don't have much time for it
Telegram channel with 2140 subscribers. It was created on May 21, 24, advertising was purchased, as a result of which people came. However, the telegram channel has already received $40. I'm sure it will bring more. Selling because I don't have much time for it
Telegram-каналы по этой тематике:
Бизнес Криптовалюта
904 Подписчиков
$ 18