Business telegram channel

13-04-2024 02:40 | 13-04-2024 13:40

2 000 Подписчиков

15.00 Месячный доход

$ 15 Купить
13-04-2024 02:40 | 13-04-2024 13:40

Business telegram channel

(на madbid с: 11-04-2024)
Тип продажи: Полная передача прав
Категория: Бизнес
Дата создания: 1 месяц (22.03.2024)

📈🚀 Telegram channel about business for sale:
- 2000+ subscribers
- 10+ posts
- 🌟 Ready for development!
- 💸 Already sold one ad for $15!

🔍📰 Quality tips, cases, news, and business ideas!

🔄📝 Posts are regularly added, providing up-to-date information!

👥💼 Ready-made subscriber base for your content and products!

💬🔥 Start attracting attention to your business today!