Обновленно: 19-03-2024
Продавец (на madbid с 18.03.24)
User 12330The channel has never been in operation, has not violated the rules, there are no restrictions and shadow banks on it
✅ Subscribers without activity and without unsubscribing, the best quality on the market
✅ Top quality, crystal clear history, good
community service. The old creation date gives the channel a trust and an abuser tolerance. More trust from telegram.
✅ Full transfer of the owner 's rights
The channel has NEVER been connected to Partner Networks. There are NO referral links on the channel
The channel has never been in operation, has not violated the rules, there are no restrictions and shadow banks on it
✅ Subscribers without activity and without unsubscribing, the best quality on the market
✅ Top quality, crystal clear history, good
community service. The old creation date gives the channel a trust and an abuser tolerance. More trust from telegram.
✅ Full transfer of the owner 's rights
The channel has NEVER been connected to Partner Networks. There are NO referral links on the channel