Обновленно: 02-02-2024
Всё о Бизнесе

Всё о Бизнесе

Обновленно: 02-02-2024
Всё о Бизнесе

Продавец (на madbid с 31.01.24)

User 9993
3000.00 Месячный доход
1 025 Подписчиков
1 год Дата создания

Telegram Channel about business is a platform that provides information, tips and insights about various aspects of business. In the channel you will find useful information about startup development, marketing strategies, financial planning, personnel management, sales, investments and other key elements of successful business activities. The channel can also include interviews with successful entrepreneurs, recommendations for reading books about business, market analytics and industry news. By joining this channel, you will be able to expand your business knowledge and skills, as well as be inspired by ideas and success stories to achieve your goals in the world of entrepreneurship.

$ 6
$ 6

Telegram Channel about business is a platform that provides information, tips and insights about various aspects of business. In the channel you will find useful information about startup development, marketing strategies, financial planning, personnel management, sales, investments and other key elements of successful business activities. The channel can also include interviews with successful entrepreneurs, recommendations for reading books about business, market analytics and industry news. By joining this channel, you will be able to expand your business knowledge and skills, as well as be inspired by ideas and success stories to achieve your goals in the world of entrepreneurship.

Telegram-каналы по этой тематике:

От стартапа до успеха


33 Подписчиков

$ 1

Money up


1 360 Подписчиков

$ 56

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