Обновленно: 30-01-2024
1300 Subscribers, for you

1300 Subscribers, for you

Обновленно: 30-01-2024
1300 Subscribers, for you

Продавец (на madbid с 06.12.23)

30.00 Месячный доход
1 300 Подписчиков
1 год Дата создания

I sell a telegram channel with the theme "Trading". CRM 3800. I sell ads in the telegram channel every day. Real people have subscribed to my channel, since I bought ads for it myself. I will explain how to sell ads and get money, about 3,000 rubles a day and how to buy ads (if you want). The telegram channel takes no more than an hour a day, posts are easy to make, buy!

$ 30
$ 30

I sell a telegram channel with the theme "Trading". CRM 3800. I sell ads in the telegram channel every day. Real people have subscribed to my channel, since I bought ads for it myself. I will explain how to sell ads and get money, about 3,000 rubles a day and how to buy ads (if you want). The telegram channel takes no more than an hour a day, posts are easy to make, buy!

Telegram-каналы по этой тематике:

American chatting room


4 000 Подписчиков

$ 150

telegram channel - speed song


1 149 Подписчиков

$ 25

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