Обновленно: 03-09-2024
Крипто-Тренды (Crypto-Trends)
Обновленно: 03-09-2024
Продавец (на madbid с 01.07.24)
94 400 Подписчиков
8 месяцев Дата создания
I am selling my Telegram channel about cryptocurrency with 94 400 subscribers. The age of the channel is 4 months. The channel is monetized and is perfect for further development. Advertising was purchased in TG channels and AirDrop projects. Spent on advertising $1350, checks added. The channel
I am selling my Telegram channel about cryptocurrency with 94 400 subscribers. The age of the channel is 4 months. The channel is monetized and is perfect for further development. Advertising was purchased in TG channels and AirDrop projects. Spent on advertising $1350, checks added. The channel has been added to TGStat and Telemeter. The audience is live - Russian-speaking and English-speaking.
This channel has a bonus - a similar channel in English, which has about 935 subscribers.