Обновленно: 25-10-2023
Telegram Channel On the topic

Telegram Channel On the topic "Ways to make money on the Internet". Read the description!

Обновленно: 25-10-2023
Бизнес Соц. сети Финансы
Telegram Channel On the topic

Продавец (на madbid с 12.10.23)

700.00 Месячный доход
1 000 Подписчиков

I am selling my personal telegram channel on the topic “Ways to make money on the Internet.”
Mostly these are abuses, bh and everything like that.
Where did I get traffic to TGC from?
- Everything is very simple - these are shorts, TikTok videos about abuses, bh,

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$ 20
$ 20

I am selling my personal telegram channel on the topic “Ways to make money on the Internet.”
Mostly these are abuses, bh and everything like that.
Where did I get traffic to TGC from?
- Everything is very simple - these are shorts, TikTok videos about abuses, bh, gifts from banks.
A very good asset (from 5k views per post) Only 4 posts.
Screenshots - https://imgur.com/a/9ifS4p2

Telegram-каналы по этой тематике:


IT / Интернет

1 512 Подписчиков

$ 34



3 200 Подписчиков

$ 32

IT технологии

IT / Интернет

660 Подписчиков

$ 10

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